Michael Keen, Ushioda Fellow, Tokyo College, University of Tokyo; Research Associate of CERDI (France), the Institute for Fiscal Studies (London) and the Centre for Business Taxation (Oxford); and former Deputy Director, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF Michael was previously Deputy Director of the Fiscal Affairs Department at the International Monetary Fund, where for over twenty years he played a central role in shaping and delivering IMF policies and advice on tax matters. Before joining the Fund, Michael was a professor of economics at the universities of Essex (UK), Queens (Canada), and Kyoto. His papers have appeared in the American Economic Review, Journal of Public Economics and other leading journals, and he is co-author of books on The Modern VAT and Taxing Profits in a Global Economy. His most recent book, Rebellion, Rascals, and Revenues (with Joel Slemrod), aims to use history and humor to convey basic tax principles to a wider audience. Michael was President of the International Institute of Public Finance from 2003 to 2006, awarded the CESifo Musgrave Prize in 2010, and in 2018 received from the National Tax Association of the United States its most prestigious award, the Daniel M. Holland Medal for distinguished lifetime contributions to the study and practice of public finance.
Green taxation in the Global South: trends and opportunities (European Commission) (EN/FR)
Setting the Stage: Taxation and Sustainable Development: Research and Policy Challenges (EN/FR)