Louise joined I4CE in 2020; she oversees the Economics program, which aims to contribute to the debate on the economic instruments and public policies which can be mobilized to trigger the necessary investments for the low-carbon transition. Her work covers topics such as the climate investment gap, green budgeting and carbon pricing instruments. Before joining I4CE, Louise spent two and a half years at the economics consultancy Vivid Economics, where she managed projects for government institutions and international organizations on issues related to climate policies, the energy transition, innovative financing mechanisms for adaptation and biodiversity. Before that, she spent a couple of years in the Natural Resources Mergers & Acquisitions team at Macquarie in London, and in the Investments team at CDC Climat. Louise is a graduate of HEC Paris; she also holds a Research Master in Economics of Sustainable Development, Environment and Energy (EDDEE) delivered by Mines ParisTech, and a PhD in Environmental Economics delivered by the London School of Economics (LSE). Her PhD research focused on the economic implications of climate change uncertainties.
Tax Administration, Environment and Sustainable Development (CFP) (EN/FR)