• conference@gdn.int
  • 26 Av. Léon Blum, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand



The Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) aims to promote fair and effective domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM), policy coherence and the social contract through partnerships and knowledge buildingAs a multi-stakeholder partnership, the ATI plays an essential role in fostering collective action to improve tax systems in light of recognised gaps in development finance. Emerging from the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa in July 2015, the ATI has significantly contributed to the implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) and is firmly anchored within the Financing for Development process.

The ATI brings together 69 partner countries, development partners and supporting organisations that are united by the vision of tax systems that work for people and advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and declare their strong political commitment to implement the AAAABy focusing on the needs of partner countries, the ATI provides a unique opportunity for its members to collaborate on issues related to DRM on an equal footing, engage in peer-learning, and exchange experiences and good practices. The ATI plays a coordinating role between its members to increase volume and quality of technical assistance and broad-based capacity building in partner countries.

Since 2015, the ATI has made important contributions to increasing available financing for development through agenda setting, donor coordination, peer learning and enhanced political commitment. By publishing annual monitoring reports on the progress made against attaining the ATI commitments, making available an extensive database and project map on official development assistance to DRM, providing an online platform for matching needs for support with available resources, collaborating on joint products and organising conferences and workshops, ATI members can identify novel areas for DRM reform.

Building on the first ATI Declaration of 2015, ATI members developed a new declaration in 2020 with new goals to reaffirm their commitment to implement the AAAA and reflect changing priorities in the international tax and development landscape. The ATI Declaration 2025 comprises four commitments that were developed a spirit of partnership and mutual accountability to enhance collective action and reach the ATI’s shared vision. Each development partner and partner country adherent has the responsibility consistent with its role and capacity to attain the commitments by 2025. The ATI Declaration 2025 represents a milestone in tax and development, which will guide ATI members within the first half of the Decade of Action to support financing the SDGs through domestic revenues.

The ATI Secretariat is facilitated by the International Tax Compact (ITC) and all ATI activities are overseen by the ATI Steering Committee, which consists of representatives of development partners and partner countries.